Attachments are where PouchDB can get really fun.
The big difference between storage engines like WebSQL/IndexedDB and the older localStorage API is that you can stuff a lot more data in it.
PouchDB attachments allow you to use that to full advantage to store images, MP3s, zip files, or whatever you want.
As their name implies, attachments are attached to documents. You can work with attachments either in base64-encoded format, or as a Blob.
For example, here is a very simple document with a plain text attachment, stored as base64.
_id: 'mydoc',
_attachments: {
'myattachment.txt': {
content_type: 'text/plain',
data: 'aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ='
Our document has the usual _id
field, but it also has a special _attachments
field that holds the attachments. Documents can have as many attachments as you want.
, otherwise known as the MIME type. Common MIME types include 'text/plain'
for plain text, 'image/png'
for PNG images, and 'image/jpeg'
for JPG images.
As it turns out, 'aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ='
is just the string 'hello world'
encoded in base64. You can use the atob()
and btoa()
methods in your browser to verify.
btoa('hello world') // "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ="
atob('aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=') // "hello world"
Let's see what happens after we store this document. If you try to get()
it normally, you may be surprised to see that the attachment data itself isn't returned:
db.get('mydoc').then(function (doc) {
The returned document will look like this:
"_attachments": {
"myattachment.txt": {
"content_type": "text/plain",
"digest": "md5-XrY7u+Ae7tCTyyK7j1rNww==",
"stub": true
"_id": "mydoc",
"_rev": "1-e8a84187bb4e671f27ec11bdf7320aaa"
You can see a live example of this code.
By default, PouchDB will only give you an attachment stub, which contains a digest
, i.e. the md5sum of the binary attachment.
To get the full attachments when using get()
or allDocs()
, you need to specify {attachments: true}
db.get('mydoc', {attachments: true}).then(function (doc) {
Then you'll get back the full attachment, base64-encoded:
"_attachments": {
"myattachment.txt": {
"content_type": "text/plain",
"digest": "md5-XrY7u+Ae7tCTyyK7j1rNww==",
"data": "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ="
"_id": "mydoc",
"_rev": "1-e8a84187bb4e671f27ec11bdf7320aaa"
You can see a live example of this code.
Plaintext is cool and all, but you know what would be really awesome? Storing images.
So let's do it! In this example, we'll put a document with a small icon attachment, represented as a base64-encoded string. Then we'll fetch it and display the icon as a normal <img>
_id: 'meowth',
_attachments: {
'meowth.png': {
content_type: 'image/png',
data: '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'
}).then(function () {
return db.getAttachment('meowth', 'meowth.png');
}).then(function (blob) {
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = url;
}).catch(function (err) {
You can see a live example of this code.
You should be unsurprised to see a cat smiling back at you. If the kitten theme bothers you, then you haven't been on the Internet very long.
How does this code work? First off, we are making use of the URL.createObjectURL()
method, which is a standard HTML5 method that converts a Blob
to a URL that we can easily use as the src
of an img
Second off, we are using the getAttachment()
API, which returns a Blob
rather than a base64-encoded string. To be clear: we can always convert between base64 and Blob
s, but in this case, getAttachment()
is just more convenient.
Up to now, we've been supplying our attachments as base64-encoded strings. But we can also create the Blobs ourselves and store those directly in PouchDB.
Another shortcut we can use is the putAttachment()
API, which simply modifies the existing document to hold a new attachment. Or, if the document does not exist, it will create an empty one.
For instance, we can read the image data from an <img>
tag using a canvas
element, and then directly write that Blob to PouchDB:
function convertImgToBlob(img, callback) {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
// Warning: toBlob() isn't supported by every browser.
// You may want to use blob-util.
canvas.toBlob(callback, 'image/png');
const catImage = document.getElementById('cat');
convertImgToBlob(catImage, function (blob) {
db.putAttachment('meowth', 'meowth.png', blob, 'image/png').then(function () {
return db.get('meowth', {attachments: true});
}).then(function (doc) {
You can see a live example of this code.
This stores exactly the same image content as in the other example, which you can confirm by checking the base64-encoded output.
method that will work cross-browser.
You can also upload a file with the HTML5 File
API and store it directly in the database, because the data you get from the <input type="file">
element is already a Blob
(See: Blob API and File API, which inherits properties from the Blob
Here is an example of allowing a user to choose a file from their filesystem:
<input type="file">
And then "uploading" that file directly into PouchDB:
const input = document.querySelector('input');
input.addEventListener('change', function () {
const file = input.files[0]; // file is a Blob
_id: 'mydoc',
_attachments: {
filename: {
content_type: file.type,
data: file
}).catch(function (err) {
You can see a live example of this code.
Select a file and you will see the stored file, size
, and type
, which are valid Blob
properties. If you choose an image, it will also show the image!
Whether you supply attachments as base64-encoded strings or as Blobs/Buffers, PouchDB will try to store them in the most efficient way.
So when you insert your attachments, either format is acceptable. For instance, you can put Blobs/Buffers using put()
_id: 'mydoc',
_attachments: {
'myattachment.txt': {
content_type: 'text/plain',
data: myBlob
And you can also pass base64-encoded strings to putAttachment()
db.putAttachment('mydoc', 'myattachment.png', myBase64String, 'image/png');
You can also insert multiple attachments at once using put()
_id: 'mydoc',
_attachments: {
'myattachment1.txt': {
content_type: 'text/plain',
data: myBlob1
'myattachment2.txt': {
content_type: 'text/plain',
data: myBlob2
'myattachment3.txt': {
content_type: 'text/plain',
data: myBlob3
// etc.
The bulkDocs()
and post()
APIs also accept attachments in either format.
When you fetch attachments, however, getAttachment()
will always return Blobs/Buffers.
The other "read" APIs, such as get()
, allDocs()
, changes()
, and query()
have an {attachments: true}
option that returns the attachments base64-encoded strings. If you add {binary: true}
, though, they will return Blobs/Buffers.
Performance tip: If you can insert and retrieve your attachments using only Blobs/Buffers, then you will typically get better performance, especially when it comes to memory usage. The base64 string format is mostly provided for developer convenience and debugging.
Blobs have their own type
, but there is also a content_type
that you specify when you store it in PouchDB:
const myBlob = new Blob(['I am plain text!'], {type: 'text/plain'});
console.log(myBlob.type); // 'text/plain'
_id: 'mydoc',
_attachments: {
'myattachment.txt': {
content_type: 'text/plain',
data: myBlob
The reason for this redundancy is 1) Buffers in Node do not have a type
, and 2) the CouchDB attachment format requires it.
So for best results, you should ensure that your Blobs have the same type as the one reported to PouchDB. Otherwise you may see inconsistent behavior (e.g. in IndexedDB, where the Blob is stored as-is on compatible browsers).
Now that you can attach cat pictures to all your documents (and why wouldn't you?), let's talk about replication.