PouchDB 3.6.0
Nolan Lawson

By: Nolan Lawson
Published: 01 June 2015
PouchDB 3.6.0 is a monthly release containing several bugfixes, most notably for "retry" replication and attachment replication. It also contains one minor new feature. [...]

We have a problem with promises
Nolan Lawson

By: Nolan Lawson
Published: 18 May 2015
Fellow JavaScripters, it's time to admit it: we have a problem with promises. [...]

PouchDB 3.5.0: Vote for PouchDB
Dale Harvey

By: Dale Harvey
Published: 07 May 2015
Do you support better documentation for PouchDB users? Do you value faster CORS and better Service Worker support? If so, then today you should cast your vote in support of [...]

PouchDB 3.4.0: Better late than never
Dale Harvey

By: Dale Harvey
Published: 07 April 2015
Everyone needs a break, and for March PouchDB relaxed and enjoyed the arrival of spring. However, regularly scheduled programming has resumed, and today I am happy to announce PouchDB 3.4.0. [...]

Filtered replication: from Couch to Pouch and back
Giovanni Ornaghi

By: Giovanni Ornaghi
Published: 05 April 2015
Filtered replication can become a vital feature for many applications, when you realize you don't need the whole dataset to be replicated to each client. At the same time, filtered [...]